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How To Make A Career In Content Writing In India

I’m sure if you have landed on this article from a search result, you’re pretty messed up and confused about what to do next.

“You should not rely on just Content Writing and get a real job” Comments like this can easily strangle your mind and de-motivate you no matter where you stand.

According to Siteefy, every single day, around 547200 websites are created globally, in addition to other channels.

Who do you think is needed to write all that Content for these websites? A writer!

If you’re aware of Content Writing and have faith in yourself; just dive in hard. You’re bound to achieve whatever you want to.

What’s The Scope of Content Writing Nowadays?

Everyone can write. And that’s a fact. More or less, everyone has the trait to put together some words in one language or another and express what they feel. But that’s not Content writing!

In this fast-paced world, where people are taking the digital industry more seriously than ever, Content Writing demands have noticeably proliferated.

Even though being a Content writer entails more than just writing a few blogs if you can create something that readers find interesting, worthy, and helpful- Voila! You’re a writer too.

From an Internet Service provision agency to a Media house, anyone and everyone needs Content. It could be either for marketing or for scripts, press, websites, etc. As long as industries are evolving and coming up to be regular online businesses, there’s no stopping for a career in content writing in India.

If you still need a good reason, think about freelance marketplaces, Social Media channels, and others; you will find 100s, if not 1000s, of gigs being posted every single day! And that’s not just it.

If you can become a psychological magician who can help turn a piece of Content into an actionable form, your worth as a Copywriter will boost in no time.

Challenges You’ll Face During Your Career.

I’m not going to get you excited with stats since there are substantial efforts related to it, especially at the beginning of your career.

When talking about how you can make a career in writing, you should know the potential challenges you need to tackle before tapping into this industry.

As lucrative and rewarding as it seems, Content Writing is crowded and competitive, and getting your Content to stand out for yourself, is a challenging task in itself. This is the reason it is always suggested to have a plagiarism check before you publish your next article.

Venturing into a Marketplace to bid to clients, you’ll face several clashes from competitors who are more experienced than you.

The initial phase of your career is most certainly going to be sluggish, competitive, and quantitative- meaning, you’ll have to go for number games, i.e., the more you bid, the better the chances of you bagging your first project.

Remember, figuring out how to bag the first interested guy is the toughest job ever. Once you know the game, you can easily create a repeatable strategy!

You’ll have to encounter writer’s block frequently and come across low-bowlers and conmen.

Unfortunately, there isn’t a single book or course in the entire universe that can give you the experience that you’ll be accumulating by working hands-on.

So, forget about the Consequences. If you want to make a career here, just dive in!

But Where to Start?

“It’s easier for you to say this, Diptesh. How and where are we going to start.”

It’s pretty obvious for you to say this when I said ‘Dive in.’ Believe me; I was in this exact situation 5 years ago. Even though I would encourage you to research for yourself (and I’m assuming you already are given that you’re here!), Worknhire was the platform that helped me change my life forever.

Frankly, I’m from a remote town, where life seems to be residing in the offline world, and no one knows what treasure the Online world holds for them! The one who can hustle along knows no one has ever returned empty-handed from the Content Industry!

I had no one to guide me, so Google was my only teacher. To date, I have achieved everything out of the hands-on experience, reading blogs, and not from a single course ever.

Worknhire is a platform where you can find projects precisely suitable for new guys and intermediates.

You can bid in and can surely bag a project or two within a week. Alongside, writers of every level can head over to marketplaces like Upwork, Fiverr, Truelancer (personally recommended), PPH, Guru, and whatnot!

Remember, I was never a fan of such marketplaces as they restrict our creative juices and branding capabilities.

Once you’re at a stage where you’re confident and have already catered to some clients at ground level, it’s time for you to step up.

Making Amateur Moves

Even though Social Media is largely accused of getting people addicted to it, for a professional like you and me, it’s a Platinum Ore!

When you bid on projects in the marketplace, you automatically get into competition with others in your niche, and it becomes easier for clients to filter out the lowest bidder. But things don’t work that way in reality.

When starting your career, you need to remember to use Social Media as your ‘Branding Powerhouse,’ and a ‘Global Showcase’ for your work!

Build an authority model of yourself in the minds of your audience. Contribute a few blogs, post regularly on targeted groups as well as your timeline, and make sure your entire audience base can see your post after every 2 posts!

And always remember a golden mantra that I have always believed in: “Collaboration is better than Competition.”

Don’t consider other freelancers as your competitors. Instead, talk to them, make a list of challenges, or listen to their story. All in all, build up an image for yourself.

Whatever you do, don’t ever stop this chain- Write, Write, and Write more. If you think you’re spamming the shit out of every group on Facebook, stop and maybe start working on a blog of your own.

A blog isn’t just meant for expressing your feelings. It has a more significant impact on your career. Any professional blog article writer uses a Blog to showcase his/her portfolios, leverage it as a lead magnet, or even build a Content Marketing Strategy around it.

Finally, Making a Career!

Overnight success is a Myth! If you’re passionate about anything, even if it’s just procrastinating, you can be a professional and make a decent living out of it. (I hope you don’t take procrastination too seriously 😋

When it comes to making a Career in the Content Industry, there are many verticals to explore.

If you’re fond of movies, you can manage a personal blog on the same, distribute your content to position yourself as an expert in the niche or reach out to potential studio owners with your script.

If you’re driven by News and gossip, perhaps it would be best to aim for being a Journalist writer. In case you have a knack for technologies and IOT, a technical writer’s tag can be appropriate for you.

So, to have a fruitful career, all you need is to start by narrowing down your interests and passionate areas and aligning them with a suitable market opportunity.

And, then work for it!

Leverage every possible Social Media channel to make your audience aware of who you are and how you can help them. Let them consume what you have to say, engage with your activities, and then be delighted.

And remember, “Trust is the most expensive thing in the world. Cheap people can’t afford it!”

Give your audience a reason to trust you. The more they trust, the more they engage, and the better you become. You will need a resume showcasing your skills and expertise in the company providing content writing services. You can use the resume builder from smallseotools to create one for you in simple and easy steps.

While it can be a laborious and slow procedure, being more than just a ‘Bidder’ can help you land your next dream opportunity in the long term.

Potential customers always care about results more than the procedure itself. So if they can see your Content getting whopping numbers and eventually helping you get inbound leads, who do you think, they will place their next order with?

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