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Dragon Programming Language – An Introduction

Dragon is a programming language developed by Aavesh Jilani. The programming language comes with better support for Natural Language Programming and Declarative Programming.

The creator started working on the language in October 2016. After working on its development for 15 months he came with it in January 2018. At that time the programming environment and its interpreter were ready to use. As per the official website, it’s the first version that was released on January 4th, 2018.

Dragon is a practical and general-purpose programming language. It can be used to create computer programs and Graphical User interfaces. As it is a multi-paradigm language the main paradigms are Imperative, Object-Oriented, Functional, Declarative. The developer can also use nested structures and Natural programming.

Another great thing about Dragon programming is that it’s portable. This means that you can use this programming language in any operating system and device. The main portability platforms are Windows, Linux, and macOS. As Dragon is a dynamic language, firstly a byte code is created from the source code which then gets executed as per the instructions. Currently, we don’t have any sources for free courses and tutorials for this language.

Features of Dragon Programming Language

As per the creators, Dragon language is simple to implement and comes with a visual implementation. Other than that Dragon has multiple other features as mentioned below:

  • Declarative Programming
  • Portable and With the Ability to Add Comments
  • Dynamic Language (Weakly Typed)
  • Structured Programming, Garbage Collector and Rich Control Structures
  • Recursion and exception Handling
  • Math, String, and Standard Functions

There are so many other features that you can find at the official website from here

Why You Should Use Dragon Programming?

As per the developers, the execution of Dragon Programming Language is faster than other similar languages such as C# and Java. Also, the programming language is created for a clear goal so that the developers can develop scalable applications in a simple manner.

The syntax of Dragon programming is also simple enough. Below is the example of its syntax:

show "Hello, World!"

The show command is used to display a standard output. And if you want to show output in a new line then you can use ‘showln’ command.

As there are so many libraries provided with Dragon we can use them for developing apps. Below is an example of the same.

select "std"
x = readln()
showln x

The programming language is trying to be natural, This way we can call functions even before defining them. This is shown below:

func hello() {
	showln "One" }
func hii() { 
	showln "two" }
func good() {
	showln "three" }

The founder Aavesh Jilani has developed and created this programming language. He is also a founder of Suasive which is a search engine. You can look at some Dragon Programming examples to know more about the language.

1 thought on “Dragon Programming Language – An Introduction”

  1. Is the Dragon language available for a Linux environment, specifically Ubutu 20.04? If so, how do I configure it?
    Thanks, Dick S.


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