Is it good to learn data science from YouTube?

Home Forums Data Science Forum Is it good to learn data science from YouTube?

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  • #2565 Reply
    AvatarNachiket Arora

    Hello, everyone. I’m interested in learning Data Science, and I’m wondering if YouTube is a good platform to gain knowledge on this subject. I’ve seen various YouTube channels offering tutorials on Data Science, but I’m not sure how reliable or useful they are. Can anyone share their experiences with learning Data Science from YouTube?

    #2567 Reply
    AvatarPresent Slide

    Yes, YouTube is an excellent platform for learning new skills, including Data Science. Here are a few reasons why YouTube can be a great starting point for beginners:

    • YouTube is a free and easily accessible platform for beginners to learn Data Science.
    • Many YouTube channels offer visual, engaging content that can help learners understand complex concepts more intuitively.
    • YouTube allows learners to set their own pace and schedule, providing flexibility for those with busy schedules.
    • The platform has a vast library of videos on various Data Science topics, making it easy to find content that suits individual learning styles and preferences.

    To get the most out of YouTube, we have a blog article on our platform that lists some of the best YouTube channels for learning Data Science. These channels offer high-quality, reliable content to help you build your skills and knowledge in the field. You can check out the list and start with your learning process.


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