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10 Best YouTube Channels To Learn Communication Skills

Did you know that effective communication skills are essential not only for personal but also for professional success?

The designation does not matter whether you are a student, a working professional, or a budding entrepreneur. The ability to communicate effectively is the secret that can make a significant difference.

Thankfully, multiple YouTube channels are dedicated to helping individuals improve their communication skills. In addition, professional guides will teach you the proper techniques and tricks to help you improve your communication skills in no time.

From body language to public speaking, these 10 YouTube channels offer a wealth of knowledge to help you communicate confidently and clearly.

Why Are Communication Skills Important?

Before we share the list of the 10 Best YouTube Channels To Learn Communication Skills, it is crucial to understand the importance of these soft skills.

Effective communication skills are vital for success in all aspects of life.

  • In the workplace, Good and effective communication skills can help you build stronger bonds with your colleagues. It can also help you negotiate better deals and increase your chances of getting promoted.
  • In the case of personal spaces, communication skills are essential for maintaining a healthy and happy relationship with your family, friends, and loved ones. It is because when you can effectively communicate your ideas and thoughts, people can understand you better, and hence the bonding improves.
  • Communication skills also play quite a crucial role in resolving conflict and preventing misunderstandings.

In a nutshell, mastering communication skills are beneficial and extremely necessary in today’s world.

Best Communication Skills Related YouTube Channels

A person with good communication skills can express themselves better and is more confident, improving their overall quality of life.

The 10 Best YouTube Channels To Learn Communication Skills are as follows:

1. School Of Life

School of Life is a channel that not only helps you develop better communication skills but digs deeper. Its videos are related to emotional intelligence understanding, which is the key to effective communication.

The creators believe that when you can understand the recipient’s emotions, you can communicate more effectively. This increases your chances of establishing a stronger relationship with them.

School of Life uses cartoons to cover some of the most critical topics in the most interesting ways.

Some of the most popular YouTube videos on this channel are:

Joined YouTube: May 18, 2010

Active Users: 8.39M

2. Charisma On Command

How often have you been impressed by people who use amazing words and sentences to describe a situation?

Maybe more times than we can count. But what if you had the chance to be that charismatic?

One of the most popular YouTube channels, Charisma on Command, does precisely that. It helps you gain charisma by teaching you the right and effective communication methods. Through their videos, you learn to be more confident, use humor properly, be likable, etc.

Some of the most popular YouTube videos are:

Joined YouTube: Mar 17, 2014

Active Users: 6.18M

3. Practical Psychology

Believe it or not, Psychology is a branch of science that plays a vital role in everyday communication.

Practical Psychology is a YouTube channel that presents complex psychological comments that we often cannot understand in straightforward and layman’s language.

To learn all the mind-blowing strategies, do not forget to check out the YouTube channel.

Some of the most popular YouTube videos on this channel are:

Joined YouTube: Feb 13, 2016

Active Users: 2.16M

4. Dan Lok

If you are an entrepreneur or someone in the sales department having the right communication skills is the key to your success. You must find the right words when pitching your products or selling your items. Dan Lok, popularly known as the “King of High Ticket,” teaches you all the secrets of effective communication required to grow a business successfully.

He uses his experiences as an entrepreneur to guide others in building a successful business based on effective communication strategies.

Some of the most popular YouTube videos on this channel are:

Joined YouTube: Jul 26, 2014

Active Users: 4.54M

5. Brian Tracy

Not just a personal development coach Brian Tracy is known for being an exceptional motivational speaker and author who wrote several books on developing communications skills.

His YouTube channel, Brian Tracy, features multiple videos that cover essential topics like secrets of personal development, business success, effective ways of time management, communication skills, etc.

He even offers different tips and tricks on being more persuasive as a communicator, overcoming problematic communication barriers, etc.

Some of the most popular YouTube videos on this channel are:

Joined YouTube: May 9, 2007

Active Users: 1.46M

6. SkilloPedia 

SkilloPedia is one of the most popular YouTube channels that recognizes the importance of soft skill development. According to the creators, the importance of soft skills like effective communication is the same as that of the hard skills required in any industry.

Starting from teamwork and leadership to emailing, time management, behavioral changes, etc., this channel teaches you all. SkilloPedia teaches you all the secrets you need to know and implement for a happy and successful career.

Some of the most popular YouTube videos on this channel are:

Joined YouTube: Dec 28, 2015

Active Users: 874K

7. The Science of People

Nothing is possible without learning the science behind it. Science of People is an extremely popular YouTube channel created by the behavioral investigator and communication engineering expert Vanessa Van Edwards.

The channel helps people to improve their communication skills by understanding the science behind human behavior. The various videos provide insight into the topics such as emotional intelligence, body language, personality types, etc.

Some of the most popular YouTube videos on this channel are:

Joined YouTube: Nov 8, 2007

Active Users: 830k

8. The Wizard of Words

The Channel Wizard of Words is run by the very famous communication coach Dan O’Connor. His videos teach you all the hacks and techniques you can use immediately at work and at home. The tactics taught by him will help you gain confidence and respect.

These are simple yet effective strategies that you can use in your daily life. The videos will help you to find the right words for every situation that demands exceptional communication skills and much more. All the videos are paired with humor which makes learning even more enjoyable.

Some of the most popular YouTube videos on this channel are:

Joined YouTube: May 22, 2008

Active Users: 216k

9. Communication Coach Alexander Lyon

This YouTube channel aims to teach the right communication skills to help professionals and budding leaders and increase their impact among the masses.

The skills Alex taught will help you lead a team more effectively while managing all the hiccups that come in a way like a Boss! The various niches covered by this YouTube channel include leadership, public speaking, and presentation skills.

Once you start watching the videos, you will be able to understand the various mistakes we commit daily unknowingly when it comes to effective communication.

Some of the most popular YouTube videos on this channel are:

Joined YouTube: Jan 1, 2016

Active Users: 467k

10. Diksha Arora- Interview Coach

When appearing for an interview or trying to explain something to your customers, it is essential to have the right words and sentences in mind. These require some strategies and tricks, which are taught by one of the most famous Indian Interview Coach, Diksha Arora.

Hailing from India, she understands the problems and difficulties which people face while communicating or sharing their ideas with others. Diksha creates small yet interesting videos to solve this issue that teach the masses how to face specific questions or handle a situation effectively.

Some of the most popular YouTube videos on this channel are:

Joined YouTube: Sep 9, 2020

Active Users: 348k

Wrapping Up

The 10 YouTube channels we have shared above offer a treasure trove of information on developing and improving your communication skills.

If you can follow these tips and strategies regularly, you can enhance your ability to convey your thoughts and ideas with clarity, confidence, and impact. Whether improving public speaking abilities or networking and negotiation skills, these people have got you covered.

So start exploring these YouTube channels today and be a fantastic communicator in no time!

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